Happy Hour W. Kay!

I had the pleasure of photographing a dear friend for her new podcast, Happy Hour with Kay. Me and Kay used to live together, roommates can be hard, and… challenging to say the least and I haven’t always had the best of luck, but Kay was one of the best roommates I’ve ever had! So, I was delighted when she reached out about doing promo portraits for her podcast. The portraits came out awesome, she totally and completely rocked it, she’s a natural in front of the camera!

Here's a link to her show, check it out, it's quite hilarious!

& to her FB, give it a “like”!

Gas Works Park

Hi all! Soooo, if you have not yet notice I’m quite bad at posting here regularly and I keep saying I’ll do it more frequently but then another month go’s by so I suppose I should just stop saying that all together and just post when I post!

Anyway, here is a a gallery from my travels last summer. These were done in Gas Works Park in Seattle, Washington. It was a really neat place and we had a great session!

Boudoir in the Desert!

It’s been almost a month since my last blog post, please forgive me!! I’m going to try to share more frequently. But if I’m honest it’s been hard not being able to actively work and practice photography with the current health crisis going on in the world. I have no current sessions to share here which has felt discouraging but I do have plenty of older work that I can dig out of the archives so that’s what I’m going try to do here until my business is up and running again.

Boudoir in the desert, baby!

Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, Texas. Shot last summer on my cross country road trip.
A friend told me about this spot for a few years and I have always wanted to go check it out but every time I was traveling through or in Texas it always seemed to add a bunch of hours to my trip and I was on a time schedule or something or other and I had never made it until this time! And I just so happened to be traveling with a friend who was down to model! We got there just before sunset and it was a full moon too, we definitely had to take advantage of that! .

It was a crazy session, it was sooo windy which made it challenging and my friend actually got KNOCKED over by the wind because those heels were so wobbly! but we made it work, these are some of my favorites from the session!

I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe!!



With this awful virus having practically shut down my home state I have lots of extra time on my hands, sitting around in my house, so, I’ve started looking back and going through some of my older work. These photos are from about two years ago and were just for fun! They are of my dear friend, Reesa. Her climbing the tree was not planned, 100% spontaneous and of course, those ones are my favorites! But, I mean, I also just love them all, they are so beautiful….total fairy vibes right?!! AND how many folks would be totally down and willing to climb up a tree to take photos in?!

Enjoy and stay safe & healthy during these uncertain and scary times!!!!

Alysha and Brendan

These are from a session a few weeks ago with the sweetest couple, they were so happy and in love, they just radiated love & light!!! It was a such a pleasure meeting and working with them, I wish them a lifetime of happiness!

Vivica and Cory

I had the pleasure of photographing this couples intimate elopement! We explored and took photos at this old abandoned warehouse in downtown Troy and then went to the near by tavern for celebration. What a fun session, and the photos are just killer!!

Luba's Fashion Session

Here is the full gallery of Luba’s fall fashion shoot!!

We had such a great session and Luba is a natural in front of the camera!! I barley had to direct her. She absolutely killed it and I am in love with the photos!

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Olympic National Forest

These photos are from an impromptu photo shoot I did in Washington state with two friends while I was traveling cross-country last summer.

My traveling companion and I stopped in Seattle on our way to California to visit with my friend Anna. We spent a few days exploring Seattle and hanging with my long time childhood friend who I hadn’t seen in over 5 years. As we got ready to leave and plan our rout we discussed going through Olympic National forest on our way, we had been recommended by a few folks to visit The Olympic National Park(/Forest) while in Washington so we decided to go on our way out of town. We invited Anna not expecting her to be able to actually make it happen because we couldn’t offer a ride back to Seattle but to our delight she accepted after finding a ride from the near by town back to Seattle from a friend who just so happened to be driving to Seattle that night! It was meant to be! The more the merrier!

It was mid summer, the sun was shining and it was hot! We wanted to find a body of water to put our body’s in! We had no specific destination at the Olympic Forest in mind (It is very, very big over 628,000 acres!) and the only criteria was 1. being in nature and 2. finding water to swim in, in nature. So, we looked at a map, found what looked to be water, packed a picnic and packed our selves and my sweet dog into the car! About two hours later we were entering the forest! It was one of the most beautiful sights I’ve seen with my eyes. Once in the national forest we still had about a 45 minute drive to our beach.

When we got there I was even more in awe. It was a beach, sand and all but like a beach I’ve never seen before. We were in the woods, completely surrounded by trees. When we parked we walked about a half mile into a clearing to the beach. A big beautiful body of blue magnificent water with mountains just beyond us. To the left nothing but beauty, to my right beauty, in my front veiw and behind me just breath taking pure natural BEAUTY. This was one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been to.

I was in awe.

We had a wonderful and relaxing time. We ate, we swam, we sun bathed, we relaxed, we chilled out and as the sun started to set we took a walk. We came to a part of the beach where the ground became very swamp like. Super muddy- my friends had started painting their body’s with the mud.

With the sun shining down on us and the feeling of pure gratitude to this beautiful, incredible place we just so happened to stumble upon which inspired me to get out the camera and ask my friends to do an impromptu photo shoot.

We hadn’t planned it at all which made it all that much better!

It was a seriously epic day and one of the funnest ones of the trip!

Here are is the gallery!! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!

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Holiday Cookie Decorating Party

I had the distinct pleasure of photographing this sweet lil holiday cookie decorating party with 'fam and friends!

I’m not Christian so in the last few years I started to feel silly for celebrating a Christian holiday (Christmas) when I don’t practice that religion. However, I have since come to the conclusion that I don’t have to practice, just to enjoy and get down with the holiday spirit, cheer, happiness and magic that this holiday brings to so many. I’m glad I came around to this realization because after all, I am a cheesy little human that just loves LOVE, HAPPINESS and MAGIC!

Anyhow, what ever holidays you do or don’t celebrate, I wish you joy and cheer at this time of the year and into the new year!! If you do celebrate, I wish you a Happy Solstice, Christmas, Hanuka, or Kwanzaa and a very merry new year!

Here are some of my favorites from this super cute cookie party:

Reesa and Her Horses

This session was SO fun and special! But furthermore, this PERSON is even more fun and special to me!

I shot with my dear friend, Reesa. We have known each other for over 20 years. I consider her more of a sister since we have grown up together and are very close. She is one of my favorite humans I have the pleasure of knowing! Reesa is an incredible artist. She’s like one of those people that can pick up any medium and almost instantly ROCK it. She is an artist in many facets. She makes music, she makes jewelry, drawings, paintings and more! She is incredibly talented and gifted.

Her most recent muses are her horses! She adopted her very own horse (pictured) and lives and works on a horse farm and practices natural horsemanship with all rescued horses with her mother. She is currently going to school for social work to fulfill a dream of helping young woman who are struggling with trauma, abuse and addiction- with HORSE therapy! I mean seriously, HOW COOL IS THAT?! This human is more then just a friend to me, she is a consistent inspiration for creativity, kindness and to do-good and be-good!

Reesa was sick for a long time but has done a complete one eighty on her life, is fully recovered and is the healthiest and happiest I have ever seen her in the 25 years I have know her. Proud would be an understatement to describe how I feel when I see the complete transformation she has undergone in the last 2 years.

[Here is a link to Reesa’s youtube if you want to hear her FABULOUS music: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrReesa1

And a link to her personal blog which talks about the project she is doing currently and her mission :

https://whitehorsesrevelations.blogspot.com/ ]

Here are some of my absolute favorites from our sweet lil horsey portrait session:

Shia's Boudoir Session

Shia came to me for a birthday boudoir session. She wanted photos to celebrate herself, her body and her beauty. She said she had wanted to do a boudoir session for a while but had’t gotten around to doing it yet. What better birthday present to your self then a gift in SELFLOVE!? She told me she was excited but nervous, during the session however, you could NOT tell she was one bit nervous. And if she had kept that to her self I would have never known based on the outcome. I think the nerves melted away as soon as we actually started shooting and the anticipation of it was what caused the feeling of “nervousness”.

Shia absolutely rocked her session with beauty, grace and confidence.

I am just in love with this session and here is why:

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First blog post!

Hey, everyone!!

I’m late to the game but better late then never right?! I have a lot of sessions, story’s and photographic adventures I want to share here, in the blog section on my website.

Part of being a photographer is telling story’s after all. For those who know me, know that I absolutely live for adventure, traveling and exploring this beautiful hunk of rock we call home. It is one of my favorite loves to do any and all of those things with my camera in hand. So here I’ll share both client sessions as well as personal photographic story’s and adventures .

Here is a quick snap shot of me and my beloved dog, Sweetie at Salvation Mountain in the desert of southern California on the greatest adventure of my life to date. My self, my sweet dog and a friend traveled cross country for a month last summer. I will definitely be posting a separate blog post with more from that. I took hundreds and hundreds of photos and have countless crazy story’s from that adventure.

But for now, I just wanted to introduce what I will be using this blog space for.

I have tons of beautiful clients sessions that I can’t wait to share here as well! So stay tuned and thanks for reading!!


Salvation Mountain.jpg